Louise 26th January 2021

It has been an honour to have known Ray. We met about 12 years ago when we stopped to admire his Spaniel, a few days later he knocked on the door to tell us he knew of someone who might have some puppies shortly. We soon realised that this was typical of Ray, if you popped in there would be tea and biscuits, or wine if it were later and always a chair! Sometimes he'd offer several. If you mentioned that you liked a tool he'd immediately offer to lend it to you - even if you weren't keen on gardening. In short, such a generous man. He adored his family and talked proudly of little Leo, but his great love was Ellen. Almost the last thing he said to me was 'she looks after me so well you know' and she did - right to the end. When I think of him, it will be with his beloved Ellen, tanned and fit, striding across the fields with a Spaniel at his heels. Rest in peace dear Ray. X Much love, Louise, Marc, Aurelia, Will and Dobby xxxx